Every student should complete an experiment which they will present in a science fair called Science Knights. Science fair judging will not affect academic grade; however participation is mandatory.
o Is the subject of the project interesting to me?
o Are the necessary materials and equipment available?
o If some materials must be purchased, can I afford them?
o Has my Science teacher approved the project?
o Have I made a preliminary investigation?
o Do I have the ability to proceed successfully with the project?
o Is the scope of the project narrow enough for me to complete the project on time?
o Are the Science activities in the project safe for both others and me?
o Will I be using the methods of Science to try to solve the problem?
o Does my project fall within the marking scheme and general regulations?
All ten of these questions must be answered positively before going ahead with a
project. If even one questions is answered 'no' then don't proceed with the project.
The best way to choose a project topic is by asking yourself interesting questions. Try to
think of things that have puzzled you or things that you have wondered about such as:
o Do shower baths use more water than tub baths?
o Do girls have a faster reaction time than boys?
o Is gelatin with pineapple in it as hard as gelatin with oranges in it?